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Help us to protect children in Uganda from starvation!
Give them food, clean water, a home and education. .

Donate. [wpedon id=1685]

Little help to create a better future.

[wpedon id=1685]

Our mission is to give life
we should think about what we want to do. .

We want to find people around the world who help us support orphanages, schools and social projects in Uganda.
Bring help to orphans and children, women and families living in poverty
Find sponsors for the children!
Find volunteers!

Enable childrens to go to school to get an education.
Bring the projects together to learn from each other and to help each other
Reach self-sufficency, sustainability to the projects

We want to bring food to the organizations we support to achieve stability in care until the organizations are able to provide for themselves.
Collect donations (fund, clothes, school materials)

Read more about our mission 

The orphanages and other social projects

Let’s build the better world together without
starving children, pain and death.

Support our projects... We need you.

Our Partner